Above is a letter that is sent out to customers who have recently picked up a prescription for a medication that can be labeled as an opioid. This simple reminder is personal and helps the customer understand the risks and that their life matters.

Displayed here are three greeting cards are designed for addicts who are currently going through the process of becoming clean, and for those who have been clean for some time. These individuals deserve to be celebrated. As a team, Walgreens and Hallmark would sell this line of greeting cards exclusively in  Walgreens stores.

Displayed above are gift cards that can be bought in celebration of people who have become clean or are currently attempting to. They would be placed next to the greeting cards in stores. However, due to the individuals who the gift cards would most likely be paid for, the gift cards would not be available for use for pharmaceuticals.

This booth is an out of home popup event. Booths would be set up at local free health clinics. Each booth would provide a free bottle of Narcan Nasal Spray to each patient. Narcan Nasal Spray is an opiate antidote that can help prevent opioid addictions. By providing this at popup events near free health clinics, Walgreens is taking action up close and personal with the issue of opioid addiction and overdose at hand.

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